Locally Owned Restaurants

Shanna's Sugar Shack

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Shanna’s Sugar Shack serves fresh baked gourmet brownies and cookies in flavors made of Red Velvet, S’more’s, Reeses, M&M, Chocolate Chunk, Sugar and Oatmeal. Combine these with our gourmet small batch ice cream in flavors like Jacked Up Tennessee Toffee, Nana's Banana Puddin, Apple Crisp, O-O Oreo, Michigan Pot Hole, Cool Mint Cookie, Cow Tippen and many more. If you really want to go the extra mile then you can add a topping as we have all the goodies with Heath, Snickers, Twix, Butterfinger, Nerds and the list goes on. We invite you to come get it by the scoop, get it in a shake or float, as a cookie sundae or monster cookie/brownie sandwich. Don't want a baked cookie? No problem we also serve edible cookie dough in 4 flavors. No matter what you choose your sure to crush that craving.

Phone: (928) 275-2603

Web  : Shanna's Sugar Shack

Email: Contact Us


Italian Homemade Company - Authentic Pizzeria Restaurant Neapolitan

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The first and only True Neapolitan Pizza in the Quad Cities Area. Limoncello is an Authentic Italian restaurant. Everything is made from scratch (pizza, pasta, deserts,etc) all crafted from our own propriatary recipies. Italian-born and raised Master Chef Matteo Schiavone specializes in Italian cuisine and was trained in Naples Italy.

Phone: (928) 237-4759

Web  : Limoncello

Email: Contact Us

Old World Bakery

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Hometown bakery specializing in breads & pastries. Also offering a delectable a lunch of sandwiches, salads & soups daily.

Phone: (928) 237-3695

Web  : Old World Bakery

Email: Contact Us